Lara Yuzwa


360 Immersive Experience

Project Info

360-degree immersive learning refers to an educational approach that utilizes virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) technologies to create an immersive and interactive learning environment. It aims to provide learners with a realistic and comprehensive experience by simulating real-world scenarios.
In 360-degree immersive learning, learners wear VR headsets or a 360 virtual or augmented environment that surrounds them in a 360-degree view. This technology allows learners to explore and interact with the virtual world as if they were physically present. They can look around, move, and engage with objects and characters in the virtual environment.

The immersive nature of this learning approach enhances engagement, motivation, and retention of information. It provides a hands-on and experiential learning experience that is particularly beneficial for training in fields such as healthcare, engineering, aviation, and emergency response, where practical experience is crucial.

360-degree immersive learning offers various advantages. It allows learners to practice skills and decision-making in a safe and controlled environment. They can learn from their mistakes, receive immediate feedback, and repeat scenarios until they master the required knowledge or skills. Overall, 360-degree immersive learning offers a dynamic and engaging approach to education, providing learners with a rich and interactive learning experience that goes beyond traditional classroom settings