Lara Yuzwa


A Deeper Dive: ‘5 Whys’ in L&D using twine

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The 5 Why’s root cause analysis is invaluable for professionals in Learning and Development because it enables you to uncover the underlying issues that hinder effective learning and growth.
By repeatedly asking “why” and digging deeper into a problem, L&D practitioners can identify not just the surface symptoms but the fundamental causes of learning obstacles.

This method helps design more targeted and impactful training programs, address systemic issues, and continuously improve the learning experience. Ultimately, the 5 Whys approach empowers L&D experts to enhance the effectiveness of our initiatives, leading to more engaged, knowledgeable, and skilled individuals within organizations.

To help further explore the 5 Whys Root Cause analyses, I created a prototype of a day in the life of a Global Learning Architect at Will Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
Twine is a great open-source tool to building rapid branching scenarios. It’s great for prototyping ideas, building quick iteratives to capture stakeholders and learner thoughts and feedback, before going into development cycles to finalise learning solution.

For my prototype, I used html code, expressions and JS to add interactivity in Twine .